How to Download WhatsApp Status Photos and Videos in Android?

Looking to download WhatsApp Status? Don’t worry. It’s quite easier than updating a new one. If you like one of your friends’ WhatsApp statuses and decide to download it on your device, check in to the post and choose a method you’re comfortable with and save whatever Status you like on WhatsApp without losing quality.

WhatsApp Status which was included within the app is one of the prominent features to share text, photo, video, and GIF updates with known people. It was introduced back in 2017 and all these years, it slowly started picking up the craze and became popular among users. Today, globally there are over half a billion WhatsApp accounts using WhatsApp Status every day.

Wait, do you know what exactly WhatsApp Status is? Check it out below.

What is WhatsApp Status?

WhatsApp Status is a built-in feature in WhatsApp that allows you to post text, photo, video, or gif updates to the people in your contacts for a period of 24 hours. After that, whatever you post will disappear.

It is almost similar to sharing stories or reels on Instagram and Snapchat. In fact, many users and experts called it a clone of Snapchat stories. But, here on WhatsApp, the real beauty is the way they appear on the screen.

Is it Possible to Download WhatsApp Status?

WhatsApp allows users to post any media for up to 30 seconds as a status. But, when it comes to saving WhatsApp Statuses of other contacts, it provides no download option officially, which is quite frustrating.

However, this doesn’t mean that downloading WhatsApp Status is impossible. There are ways and one of the best things is to look for the statuses you viewed. Yes, what you heard is true. The fact is, whenever you see a WhatsApp Status, it will automatically save deep inside the system. It’s real. And to dig that out, all you have to do is to search for the file and move it to a safe location. So that it doesn’t disappear after 24 hours.

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How to Download Photos and Videos from a WhatsApp Status?

Downloading photos, videos, text, or Gifs from WhatsApp Status isn’t that hard. From the above lines, you got an idea of what to do for the WhatsApp Status video download.

So, if you have your default File Manager app or Files by Google app installed on your device, instead of taking screenshots and screen recording the WhatsApp Status, below are the steps you’ve to follow for WhatsApp Status video download.

Get everything ready and do as follows to know how to WhatsApp Status from File Manager.

1. How to Download WhatsApp Status from File Manager or Files by Google App

1. To get started, first, view the WhatsApp Status you want to download on your phone.

2. When done, head over to Google Play Store and Install the ‘Files by Google‘ app.

3. After successful installation, finish the app set up and tap on the hamburger menu in the top-left corner.

download WhatsApp Status

4. Choose ‘Settings’ and toggle on the switch for ‘Show hidden files’.

download WhatsApp Status

5. Now, fall back to the ‘Browse’ tab in “Files by Google’ and scroll down to ‘Storage devices’.

6. Select ‘Internal storage’ and look for the folder ‘Android’ in the list.

Files by Google app usage

7. Once you’re in, go to Media > com.whatsapp > Media > Statuses.

Files by Google app opening WhatsApp Status saved
Files by Goole app WhatsApp Statuses

8. Here you’ll see all of the statuses you view on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Statuses folder in Files by Google app

9. To download the one you like, select it and tap on the three dots (ellipsis) icon in the top-right corner.

download WhatsApp Statuses Files by Google app

10. From the menu, select ‘Move to’ and paste it into any other visible folder.

WhatsApp Status video Download

You’re good to go. Now, the WhatsApp Status you moved to the desired folder won’t disappear after 24 hours.

Note: You can also do the same from your default ‘File Manager’ app after enabling the option ‘Show hidden files’.

Hope you’re now clear about how to save WhatsApp status. In case you face any difficulties with this trick, continue reading to know how to download WhatsApp Status images and videos online using the status downloader for WhatsApp.

2. How to Download WhatsApp Status Online Using WhatsApp Status Saver App

1. The very first thing you’ve to do is to install the WhatsApp Status downloader from the Play Store.

2. After the Status download for WhatsApp is installed, finish the app setup and switch to WhatsApp.

3. Once view the status you want to download and dive back into the WhatsApp Status Saver app.

4. Grant the necessary permissions and give the app access to a folder to download the statuses.

WhatsApp Status saver online
download WhatsApp Status

5. When everything is done, you’ll see all your WhatsApp Statuses you viewed on the top of the homepage.

download WhatsApp Status video

To download the one you like, tap on the video/image and hit the download button.

WhatsApp Status download

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I save picture from WhatsApp Status?

    To download WhatsApp Status image, video, text, or gif, open your default ‘File Manager’ app and go to the ‘Android’ folder. From there, move to Media > com.whatsapp > Media > Statuses. Find the one you’re looking for and copy it to a different folder.

  2. How to download WhatsApp status video on Android?

    To save the WhatsApp Status video, download WhatsApp status saver app from the Play Store. Grant the storage permission and give it access to a folder to save the statuses. Then you’ll see all your WhatsApp Statuses you viewed on the top of the homepage. Select the one you like and hit the download button.

  3. How to download WhatsApp Status without app in Samsung?

    To download WhatsApp Status without app in Samsung, open the My Files app and look for the folder ‘Android’. From there, move to Media > com.whatsapp > Media > Statuses. Find the one you’re looking for and copy it to a different folder.


No matter what your friends share as WhatsApp Status. If you want to save it on your device, instead of taking screenshots and using screen recorders, follow this guide on how to download WhatsApp status images and videos online and unhide what you like to save on your device by bringing them out of the folder or install WhatsApp status downloader app and download the status you like most.

Hope you definitely catch the Status update of your friends without letting it disappear.

If you find this post helpful, don’t forget to share your words in the comment section below.

Scott Morris

Prefers Coffee over Tea and Android over iOS. Loves to talk about Android and windows. Writer at AppTrickz.

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1 Response

  1. July 31, 2022

    […] launching the WhatsApp status, the long-awaited feature, WhatsApp disappearing messages, photos, and videos has finally arrived. […]

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